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· 6 min read

How Do Amazon Sellers Make Money?

It's no secret that Amazon is one of the world's most successful and profitable companies, with nearly 75% of online shoppers relying on it for their shopping needs. But do you ever wonder how Amazon sellers make money?

Whether you're an experienced seller or just getting started, understanding how Amazon sellers make money can help you maximize your profits and stay competitive.

Types of Amazon Sellers

There are three primary types of Amazon sellers: individual, professional, and business-to-business.

Any person can sign up to be an individual seller on Amazon. With this status, you can sell products on a case-by-case basis. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is not available to individual sellers. There is also a $0.99 per item plus other selling fees.

Professional sellers pay a monthly subscription fee of $39.99 and don't have to pay the $0.99 per item fee. This status is best for those who plan on selling more than 40 items per month, as it will likely save you money in the long run. Fulfillment by Amazon is available to professional sellers.

Businesses of all sizes can subscribe to Amazon Business Seller (B2B) plans at $39.99 monthly plus other selling fees. They sell their products exclusively to other businesses. As a business seller, you can access features that help streamline selling to businesses, such as bulk listing and purchasing tools, pay-by-invoice, and volume pricing plans. Fulfillment by Amazon is available to business sellers enrolled in a paid subscription plan.

How Do Amazon Sellers Make Money?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN)

There are two key distribution methods to make money selling on Amazon: through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or by utilizing Amazon's Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN). FBA is the more popular of the two, as it offers more benefits to sellers.

With FBA, sellers ship their products to an Amazon fulfillment center, and Amazon handles the rest – including storage, customer service, and shipping. This hands-off approach appeals to many sellers, as it frees up their time to focus on other aspects of their business. And because customers trust Amazon implicitly, they're more likely to buy products fulfilled by Amazon.

Another advantage of FBA is that it makes sellers eligible for Prime shipping. Buyers get their products faster and are more likely to be satisfied with the purchase. More customer satisfaction means increased sales and more positive feedback for sellers.

The main downside of FBA is the cost – both in terms of the fees charged by Amazon and the cost of shipping products to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

With MFN, merchants list their items on Amazon but handle all other aspects of selling themselves, such as storage, packing, shipping, and returns. This way, merchants have more flexibility with how they want to handle these processes. Sellers who want more control of the entire process may prefer MFN over FBA, despite its drawbacks and potentially lower customer engagement.

Business Methods for Selling on Amazon

We've looked at the types of sellers who list their merchandise on Amazon and Amazon's methods of selling and delivering said inventory. Next, we will overview some business models and services that can answer how Amazon sellers make money.

Merchants can create and sell their products or resell them in different ways. Retail arbitrage or Amazon arbitrage is reselling products from brick-and-mortar retailers on Amazon at a higher price. You can also resell products from various manufacturers under your label by either white or private labeling. Some Amazon sellers make money through drop-shipping. In this case, they do not physically have the products in stock. Instead, they source directly from the manufacturer or supplier.

Amazon Handmade

Handmade products are those that the artisan merchant entirely handcrafts personally. These products can range from jewelry to furniture to clothing. Amazon Handmade is a section of the Amazon website dedicated to selling these crafts.

When selling on Amazon Handmade, there are no listing fees. Sellers pay a referral fee and a variable closing fee when their product sells. The referral fee is a percentage of the total sale price, and the item's category determines the closing fee.

To be eligible to sell on Amazon Handmade, you must apply and have your products approved by Amazon. Once your products are approved, you can start listing them for sale on the site.

Kindle Direct Publishing

If you want to self-publish your book, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) may interest you. With KDP, you can publish your book electronically on Amazon's Kindle platform. You'll retain control of your book's rights and pricing and get 70% of the royalties earned on each sale. KDP is an excellent option if you're looking for a hands-off approach to publishing your book.

**Private Label Products

Private-label selling is when a seller sells products another company manufactures. The seller sells these items under their brand name rather than the manufacturer. The product must sell exclusively through one retailer to be considered private-label selling rather than white-label selling. It shouldn't be a generic product (such as ibuprofen) that multiple retailers can sell simultaneously.

Private-label products usually cost less than branded products. They can help save money while still getting quality products. There are many different types of private-label products on Amazon, so sellers can find products that fit their niche and target market.

White Label Selling

Many Amazon sellers make money by white-labeling products. White labeling is when a seller takes a generic, no-brand item and puts their branding on it. The seller can add their label, packaging, design, or combination.

White-label selling can be a beginner-friendly way to start on Amazon without investing in product development and manufacturing. It can be a way to diversify your product offerings and reach a broader range of customers.

White-label and private-label selling appear relatively similar. Many aspiring sellers may find themselves confusing the two. The keywords to remember when distinguishing the two are "exclusive" and "generic."


Dropshipping is a business model in which e-commerce entrepreneurs sell products without carrying any inventory. When a store owner receives an order from a customer, they contact the supplier. The supplier will then ship the products directly to the customer's doorstep.

There are several reasons why retailers would choose drop shipping.

  • Start an online business with little upfront investment
  • Test different products and suppliers to see what works
  • Low overhead costs
  • No need to hire staff to pick, pack, and ship orders
  • This business model is not without its issues.
  • Seller has no control over the production or shipping process
  • Cannot guarantee the quality of the product or service
  • Responsible for customer service
  • May have a low-profit margin

Some have expressed ethical concerns about dropshipping. The reason is low involvement from the merchant and the model's simplicity appealing to dishonest merchants who care more about raw profit than the customer or merchandise.


These points should give you good insight if you've ever wondered how Amazon sellers make money. With these fulfillment options and retail methods, you may find a business strategy that works for you and your creative and financial expectations.

· 6 min read

Learn How to Make Money Reviewing Products on Amazon

If you're a regular Amazon user, you may already know that you can provide feedback about your purchased products or services. Those reviews are automatically posted in the comments section for the next potential shoppers to read.

However, you may not know that you can get paid for reviewing Amazon products. Here's everything you need to know about how to make money by reviewing products on Amazon.

Reviewing Products on Amazon Has Never Been Easier

The most straightforward way to leave a review about a product you purchased on Amazon is to comment on the buyer's product page once you've received it. You may include all kinds of information, such as the product's quality, features, experience with the item, and even your overall shopping experience.

Amazon pays attention to the most insightful reviews and has created different ways to encourage shoppers to keep doing it. Here are some creative ways to make money by reviewing products on Amazon.

Your Own Website

Starting a blog has never been easier, thanks to new platforms that guide you every step of the way. Bluehost provides all the information and valid details you need to consider before starting.

You can create a blog where the central theme is Amazon product reviews. To start making money with those reviews, you'll need to sign up for the Amazon Associate program, also known as Amazon Associates.

This marketing program was created to help content creators and bloggers monetize the traffic they get to the website. Add a hyperlink to the recommended products, and you can earn up to 10% commission from every purchase.

The registration process is straightforward, but your application will be reviewed to check that you meet the qualifying criteria. Once approved, your insightful comments will not only help potential shoppers, but they'll also get you extra income.

YouTube Channel

The traffic your feedback creates by adding hyperlinks to your product reviews is not limited to personal blogs. YouTube channels have become a powerful source for sharing information over the last couple of years.

You'll need an Amazon Influencers account to profit from the videos you share on YouTube. Once you've registered and your account is approved, you'll be able to start creating content about Amazon products and sharing it with your followers. You'll earn a commission every time the hyperlink on your post leads to a purchase.

Social Media

Social media has become a great source to get product reviews. Increasingly more people share their experiences and what they liked or didn't like about a particular product. Consequently, many brands are inclined to offer influential people free products in exchange for those videos and pictures.

With your Amazon Influencers account, you'll get products and services in exchange for your unbiased review. In addition, you'll receive a commission every time the product you recommended is purchased using your hyperlink.

Reviews on Other Blogs

If you're not ready to start your own blog, many review sites are looking for writers to provide unbiased reviews on Amazon products. In this case, you won't need your own Amazon Influencers account. You'll be provided with the products you need to review, and you'll be in charge of creating meaningful content. In this case, your payment won't be a commission for every sale. Instead, you'll get paid once per review.

Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program created by Amazon. The platform pays attention to valuable reviews, and those who provide the most insightful reviews get rewarded with an invitation to join Amazon Vine.

Once you're a member, you can choose among the thousands of products Amazon selects to be part of the program. You'll receive these products free of charge, and they will be shipped directly to your home in exchange for your review.

Learn How to Make Money Reviewing Products on Amazon

Why Are Customers' Reviews So Important?

Amazon is one of the most popular online retailers and gained even more popularity during the 2020 global pandemic. The platform has so many options that deciding on one product is often challenging. That's where customer reviews come in.

According to a study on decision neuroscience, consumers have an increased tendency to learn about the product from reviews provided by other consumers instead of the seller's provided information.

Moreover, this study shows different consumer behavior between women and men. Female consumers tend to focus on negative reviews rather than the positives. The opposite happens with men. They pay more attention to the positive reviews of previous consumers who have already purchased and used the product.

Useful Reviewing Tips

Now that you've learned how to make money reviewing products on Amazon, here are some tips to make your product reviews stand out.

Empathize With Your Audience

When writing about a particular product, you need to create a connection that will let your audience know that you understand their needs. A good resource is to ask rhetorical questions that connect with their problems, to which the solution will be the product or service you're reviewing.

Identify Your Audience

Your reviews must be directed to the part of your audience that will benefit the most from the product.

Describe the Product in Detail

Including all the item details about the product or service, including material, features, and applications, is essential.

Include Additional Testimonials

You'll give your review more value by quoting other influential users or experts. Adding more testimonials may increase your engagement results when inviting your audience to share their experiences about the product.

Start Making Money on Amazon

Creating Amazon product reviews is much more than relaying whether or not you liked a product. You can influence potential buyers who are hesitant about buying a particular item. The best part is that you'll be making money by helping them.

Statistically, 76% of shoppers say they make most of their purchases on Amazon. Your experience with the products and services listed on the site can significantly help those shoppers make an informed purchase decision.

· 7 min read

Have you ever considered earning income from your blog - without the stress of endlessly writing or promoting it? It seems like a dream, but it is not.

Publishing content regularly is a daunting task. With all the hard work of researching, editing, and writing at the end of the day your earnings are at the mercy of the amount of time you put in. To make things worse, it also varies on the nature of your topic, keywords, and advertising trends. Hence, instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket, you must look for other ways to generate income.

Here comes the very (in)famous idea of earning passive income while sleeping by blogging. Let’s discuss five ways to make a passive income that require no writing on your part.

There are several passive ways to earn money from blogging. Some include monetizing your blog with advertising and affiliate programs and selling products and services derived from the content on your site.

Each of these methods has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s essential to consider all of your options before settling on a particular approach. Don’t forget that using multiple approaches might work for you!

1. Affiliate Marketing - No Marketing Degree Is Required To Get Started

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income from blogging. Depending on your blog's niche, you can generate affiliate commissions through sponsorships, advertisements, and charging for products and services. Once you have established a following and developed relationships with your readers, monetisation possibilities abound.

To get started with affiliate marketing through blogging, it's important to set up an effective blog strategy.

  • First, identify your target market. This will help you determine which products to promote and which topics to write about.
  • Create quality content that will interest your target market and help your readers learn about the products you're promoting.

To help you on your journey, we’ve built our very own training course on how to integrate Amazon Affiliates into your blog that you can check out here.

2. Published E-books - Write Your Opinion To Make a Living Forever

If you love creative writing (rather than writing blog posts), publishing ebooks on your blog can become a source of extra income for you. You can start a blog about ebooks and write articles about how to sell, as well as provide tips for buying and reading ebooks.

This will help you to set up yourself as a credible person. Adding links to your ebook in these articles will help you to divert potential buyers to your product. But before doing so, the following are important tips that you must follow to be successful in this business.

  • Make sure your book is perfectly written. This is one of the most important aspects of selling ebooks online. If your writing isn't up to the mark, prospective buyers will quickly lose interest.
  • The cover design of the ebook is also critical. Make sure your cover stands out and grabs attention. Pay attention to both the title and the subtitle so that you can create an effective sales pitch.
  • Offer free excerpts or previews of your book so that people can get a taste for what they're buying before actually committing to purchase it. This will also help you gauge how well your writing is striking a chord with potential customers.
  • Be prepared to offer steep discounts on your eBook when it first goes on sale in order to entice people into buying it.

3. Sell Personal Resources- Best Way To Advance Your Business Sales

If you have valuable personal resources that you can offer to others, blogging can be an excellent way to generate passive income. By writing quality content about your product and building an engaged following, you can generate recurring revenue.

Here are some tips for selling personal resources through blogging:

  • Identify your niche. Before starting a blog, you first need to identify your target market. Once you know who you’re speaking to, start thinking about what topics would be of interest to them. Then, research the latest trends and explore how your unique skills could benefit others in your market.
  • Plan your posts wisely. When writing blog posts to sell your product, consider the purpose of each piece before diving in. Your aim should be to provide valuable insights that can help people improve their lives.
  • Be consistent with your brand messaging. When it comes time to promote your product online, make sure all the components of your branding are in line – from the look and feel of your site to the tone of your voice (and everything in between).

4. Digital Products - One-Time Investment To Earn Lifetime

Bloggers can sell digital products by blogging to generate passive income. This type of product can be anything digital like tools or software that can be downloaded or streamed.

Such products just need a one-time investment and enable you to earn profit for the rest of your life. You can sell your developed software or buy them from other websites.

When selling digital products, tools, and software on your blog, make sure to include the following elements:

  • Digital products are visual objects, so make sure you present them well. If a potential customer can't see how amazing your product is right away, they're likely not going to buy it. Use high-quality graphics and templates to create well-designed visuals that will draw in your viewers.
  • If you have a digital product tool or software that's different from the others on the market, be sure to feature it prominently on your blog. Compare your product's features and pricing against those of other popular counterparts, and let potential buyers know why your specific product is better value for money.
  • Add clear information about how to download and use the product. Your blog visitors want easy access to information about using your digital products tool or software. Include clear instructions on downloading and installing the software, as well as any necessary user guides. Showcase screenshots of users successfully using the product so that potential buyers can see how it works in practice before buying.

5. Online Courses - Share Your Knowledge To Make Money for Life

Selling online courses through blogging is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others, and it can be very lucrative and profitable. It doesn't matter what type of educational background you have, you will find students to offer paid courses to generate extra income.

If you're interested in selling online teaching courses on your blog there are a few things you'll need to consider.

  • Decide what type, of course, you want to offer. Are you a teacher looking to add an extra income stream? You can record videos related to your area of expertise and upload them on your website.
  • Once you've decided on the type of course, think about what other sites are selling similar courses. If you're offering a course on photoshop or baking, for example, look at other blogs that sell similar courses and see what features they offer that make their courses stand out.
  • Next, create a template for your course page to create a professional design. Finally, create a listing for your course and attach an appropriate payment accepting method.

Conclusion - Final Thoughts

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, but it's not always easy to make a living from it. There are however plenty of passive ways to earn money from your blog, and this guide showed you the top five methods to get started.

Whether you're a teacher who wants to sell your knowledge, a business owner, or a creative writer, this guide has covered everything you need to run a successful side business without any hassle.